Kandinsky ME

Create an abstract projected moving painting based on the style of Kandinsky! look online for inspiration and then create your own unique artwork!

Kandinsky Hints:

  • Limit scale
  • Videoplayer
  • Calc angle
  • Shapes
  • Colors

Make Me a Mondrian

Use Isadora to make your own Mondrian painting that slowly changes over time. Take the time to search for paintings of Mondrian online and then copy one or use the found inspiration to make your own. Mondrian


  • Shapes
  • Envelope generator
  • Wave Generator
  • Sequential trigger
  • Delayed trigger
  • Keyboard watcher

Make Me a Triptych

Use Isadora to make a video triptych. Choose a video and use it as the source for all three frames by using a further range and/or video effects for each frame. Bonus points for using a soundtrack. The three different frames can have any form and shape. Triptych


  • Videoplayer
  • Video effects
  • Sound player

It is the season!


Use Images, Videos and sound to create an visualisation of one of the four seasons. Winter, Fall, Spring Summer. Create an self running installation that has at least three minutes of content. Think also about the physical space. How should it be presented?


  • video player
  • picture player
  • alpha channel
  • comparator
  • timed trigger

Louder, Louder! I can't hear you!


Create abstract visuals that respond to live sound input. Think of what kind of generative effects you can create. Please take note that you need to start live capture and check the box "sound frequency analysis" to be able to analyse sound. Make your own Disco! Think also about how you want to project it!


  • Sound Level Watcher
  • Sound Frequency Bands
  • Sound Frequency Watcher

Magic Mirror on the wall, How is the prettiest of them all?

Rozin For this assignment you create a magic mirror that shows your face in a magic way. Think about laughing mirrors effect and time warping. You will need an webcam and Start Live Capture. See also work of Daniel Rozin


  • Use Live Capture settings and choose right webcam & resolution
  • Use Video In Watcher
  • Buffer
  • Video effects